Something for everyone, from beginner to advanced, & casuals to competitors. Come try a free class!
Classes for kids age 4-7 and kids 8+, and teens. Discounts for families and first responders are available!
Head Coach Ryan Grandon is an amazing instructor! He is also an undefeated competitor at Black Belt.
We can't even express the depth of love we feel for this sport. Our wives now consider it a requirement for us to get our rolls in every week, because it makes us better husbands, better dads, and better protectors.
We had no idea our hobby would become the obsession that it is right now, but we can't get enough of it. It's like human chess on fast forward, where the game ends with a "tap out." It's exhilarating! Also, you can do it in pajamas.
We're not just some BJJ dudes saying that to promote our academy. We're former collegiate wrestlers, water polo players, MMA fighters, professional gamers, and former couch potatoes (that are promoting our academy).
When you're on the mats, the stressors of life seem to fade away. It's difficult to think about anything else when you're grappling with an opponent on the mats! A great BJJ workout makes life easier to handle.
We love to train, together. We train with our family, including our kids (the coaches have a lot of kids). Our students are also treated as friends, because that is what working out together does in BJJ. It is an escape from the difficulties of life, too -- nothing seems to matter outside the gym while you're in class.
Some of you reading this are competitors looking for a place to train hard. Others have sailed into maturity and are looking for a way to stay active (and not get hurt). And some of you are casual, looking for something in between.
Come try a free class, check out our schedule to see if it fits with yours, or give us a call to answer your burning questions!
Don't just take our word for it - Get first-hand experiences from some of our parents and students. There may be squeals of joy so mind your volume first 😆
New Braunfels Jiu Jitsu boasts a 3,500+ sq. ft. facility with over 2,500 sq. ft. of mat space. We have amazing cooling systems including 2 air conditioning units and a large central fan that keeps the place cool no matter the heat outside! We also have a dedicated seating area for parents or significant others to watch the classes, and we have kid-friendly areas that older kids can use while their parents are taking classes!
Join us Monday - Friday for Brazilian Jiu Jitsu classes for beginner to advanced skill levels, and classes for kids ages 4+!
We have classes for both kids and adults so that we may accommodate as many schedules as possible!
Meet Our Instructor
Professor Ryan Grandon is a 2nd degree Black Belt under Jake Mapes, and a 4th generation Black Belt in Rickson Gracie's lineage. He is undefeated at the Black Belt level. He is a father of four and remains one of the friendliest humans on the planet.